**Pike, Sybil Hillman** (27 July 1929 - 9 March 2021). Retired research librarian at the Library of Congress and then a bookseller. She operated the book shop Wayward Books (of Washington, D.C. and then Sargentville, Maine) with her partner, the writer [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doris_Grumbach|Doris Grumbach]]. See Pike's obituary [[https://www.kuzoandfoulkfh.com/obituaries/2021/03/15/sybil-hillman-pike/|here]]. See also a 1990 [[https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/1990/04/19/hill-bookshop-wanders-off-down-east/28fb867f-142a-47fc-adae-4dea4e4b9644/|article]] by Lori Miller in the Washington //Post// on the move from Washington, D.C. to Maine that notes some history of the book shop.